The breadwinner, Intro to family
Storyboard of the sequence where we meet Parvana’s family for the first time. The script contained so many important beats, it was challenging and incredibly fun to find the right way and time to hit them all and prepare the audience for the next sequence, where the emotions rise quickly.
WolfWalkers, Robyn and Mebh
A storyboard all centred around acting and posings. The main characters are bonding and I used my animation skills to infuse the scene with emotions and character, letting the camera rest to allow the animators to express the characters through acting.
WolfWalkers, Robyn and Bill
In this sequence, Robyn plans how to convince her dad about her new plan to save the wolves instead of hunting them.
The breadwinner
A story world scene, edited by myself
This is a sort of musical mini sequence illustrating the story Parvana tells in the movie. In this version there was no voice over yet.
Mebh chasing Robyn, very first rough pass with scratch voices
This is one of the very first sequences to be storyboarded. And this is the first pass. So much has changed in the movie since, but this sequence still is at the heart of the movie.